a [     ] in progress
by Lisa Hofmann

ph: Fenia Kotsopoulou

Being instead of pretending. Seeing instead of looking. Listening instead of hearing. 

Lisa Hofmann [she/they]
performer, maker and (re)searcher. Interdisciplinary. Sharp. Poetic. Current artisitc practice in the field of physical theater focusing on the visual composition of bodies in space. Questions, reflections and emotional responses emerge from the observation of movement. 

Short Bio: Master of Arts in Performance Practices from ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem (NL). Training in contemporary dance and choreography at Tanz-Zentrale in Leipzig (DE) and multidisciplinary training  for performers and contemporary creation at Anfibia Leggere Strutture in Bologna (IT). Furthermore: Master of Science in Empiricial Educational Science and Paedagogical Psychology and Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Media Science from Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen (DE), as well as Contemporary Dance and Media studies at Stony Brook University in New York (USA).
Co-founder of the project-based performance duo twoBetween, together with Luzi Madrid Villanueva (2020). Since then: moving for my own creations as well as with and for other contemporary dance and theatre practitioners and encountering multidisciplinary, visual, and digital artistic projects (amongs them C&C Company, Julia Kiryanova, Anagoor, Theater Exil). Productions have been presented at Danzare il Tramonto Bologna (IT), Teatro Dehon Bologna (IT), Kuppelfest Paderborn (DE), Kurzfilmtage OWL (DE), Papillae Festival ArtEZ, Arnhem (NL), Uitnacht Arnhem (NL), 4bid Gallery, Amsterdam (NL), Stadtmuseum Paderborn (DE). 

Funds and grants received for artistic work: NRW Künstlerstipendium, GVL Neustart Kultur, DIS-TANZEN Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Erasmus+ grant.

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