ph: Ulrich Dohle
unter Zwang
actress w/ Theater EXILA classroom play, that aims to bring the practices and consequences of the right-wing movements to life.
This production by Theater EXIL, does not just dismiss its audience as witnesses, but asks them to position themselves interactively, politically and morally. In a world where the step from anonymous violence to real threat is often only a small one.
Mayoress: Ann-Britta Dohle
Teacher: Marius Mesched
Judge: Lisa Hofmann/ Sarah Mevers
24.03.2023 premiere - Burgsaal der Wewelsburg, DE
03.06.2023 Amalthea Theater - Paderborn, DE 19. & 20.05.2023 Westfalen-Kolleg - Paderborn, DE
26. & 28.11.2024 Paderborn, DE